Please remove your shoes. Snacks are in the kitchen. Help yourself.
What crappy search engine led you here?
I'm about as sure of your reasons for visiting this blog as my reasons for keeping it. So sit.
Monday, October 06, 2008
"Surprise You"!
Now it's your turn. I've already been surprised. Here she is...a little Evil K, a little Capt. America and some PBR thrown in for good measure. God Bless Sacha!
VAM & W/kg estimates
Just wanted to post a few charts for reference.
First chart compares W/kg estimates based on the same vertical ascent rate
(VAM) for each of two methods:
Sweet. Evel Knievel meets Captain America, huh? However, your riding is more like the Greatest American Hero!
Thomas, you are my hero and sworn ememy. I am starting torso lengthening procedures so you can leave you bikes to me.
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