I Hate creative people. HATE. THEM. My sister, the kids at Stamen, Sacha, my "Mad Men" neighbor and just about everyone at House Industries. Damn them all. I've always wanted to be cool, have a cool business card, hand them to people who had no interest whatsoever in whatever it was I was doing. The card however, would stop them stupid and change their mind. I even started a business long ago just so I could have an excuse to get one. The aforementioned sister came up with a sweet logo to boot. But alas, I was in the veritable debtors prison of students loans and could not afford such luxury. Then I came upon this site and realized just how futile my efforts would have been. I'm on my knees.
Here's just a smudge of what's behind the curtain.
If you're about my age, you are a Raymond Scott fan even if you don't know it. And if you are not one after listening to this, the grumpy bus leaves in 5 minutes...please be on it. Someday, I will pull together the quintet/sextet/octet, pull out my "Powerhouse" arrangements, and let er rip' to the delight of neighbors young and old. And Oh if I could only locate a Celeste, "Toy Trumpet" and "Minute in Jazz" look out!
Hg is one of my favorite elements from a strictly nerdgeek point of view. From a treehunging one, though, it's a bitch. I'm also partial to K (spontaneous combustion. Yeah!), Li(spontaneous combustion AND mind altering!)Os (oh so dumb...er...dense), Pr (fun so say and spell), and just about anything radioactive.
Some things were funny then and some things are funny now. This is either always funny or was never funny to begin with. I'm still not sure which. Enjoy...or not.
Brought to you by the good and friendly folks at D&R.
VAM & W/kg estimates
Just wanted to post a few charts for reference.
First chart compares W/kg estimates based on the same vertical ascent rate
(VAM) for each of two methods: