What crappy search engine led you here?

I'm about as sure of your reasons for visiting this blog as my reasons for keeping it. So sit.

Friday, September 30, 2011

If the shoe fits...

My friend Schultzie said this reminded him of me. I can't understand why ;-)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Heavens to Murgatroid! I was reading this pretty decent NYT article about failure and success when I made the mistake of clicking through to UrbanBaby. It's entertaining in that tabloid sort of way. Funny for about 10 seconds, then just sad. Do yourself a favor and dont click through....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I train during my lunch hour. I don't want to train at lunch. I'd rather go to Vik's. I'd rather ride after work. I'd rather come home late and eat dinner on the sofa with my legs up. But such is not my life, so I ride at lunch. Almost without fail, someone will ask as I stink my way back to my office if I had a nice ride. I use to say "Yes". I would tell them what they expected to hear. I use to lie. My rides are never nice. I don't have the hours for 'nice'. Mine are invariably some form of 'ugly'. They range from slightly off-putting to down right Rob Zombie. As a result, my co-workers will no longer ride with me. So I'm alone in my misery, talkin' crazy talk to no one. But at least I no longer lie...except to myself ;-)

It must be my birthday!

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy. The 15c rides again! I'm such a loser.

mini sabbatical

Since I'm the only one that reads my blog, I want to apologize to myself for the lazy pic posts of late. It's all I've had time for...Last season started strong (again) and ended abruptly (again). I really didn't feel like revisiting many races. Ok. I will post something about the Michigan race soon as I plan on hanging the entire 2010/2011 season on that single result. This seaon, it's happening again, albeit a  month sooner, so there is hope.
Anyone see a pattern? Maybe it's just a perfect storm of peak fitness meets the beginning of the school year. I'm most vunerable to vectors just as the number of them I'm exposed to increases by an orders of magnitude.
I wish I could blame the kids. Wait. I can. Damn Kids.