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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Feeling a little, well, guilty.

Pictured is my oldest girls first bike, a 16" Trek "Mountain Cub" given to us by a neighbor. Yep. 23.56 lbs.
From March 22, 2009

I think it should be rebadged the Trek "Tiger Tank". Seriously. I pretty sure it's cast iron. I can't imagine schlepping that anchor around the playground all day. It's comically overbuilt. I swear I've seen these frames being used by CalTrans in bridge retrofits. When my daughter started riding it, she was probably in the 30-35lb range. My rain trainer weighs less with fenders, a pump and seat lump.
From March 22, 2009

A lot less. Not to mention ...ahem...the race rig (ed. the vanity me made me post that)
From March 22, 2009

Her new 20" bike weighs mercifully less than the girder she'd been pounding. It's made of that new wonder material ALUMINUM and sports futuristic ALLOY components previously only found on the space shuttle and in top secret military applications.

From March 22, 2009

But I'm still not guilt free. Commiseratory me should be riding around on a 115lb albatross. Since that's not going to happen I'm considering maybe a three piece crank and an SRP ti bolt kit?

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